4 Questions to Ask a Metal Fabrication Company for Your Aerospace Project

Choosing your next aerospace metal fabrication partner can feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With the right expectations and questions, you can easily hire a reliable partner for your project.

Often, metal fabrication partners are chosen solely for their low-cost solutions. While pricing is a significant part of the equation, you often get what you pay for in this industry. It's essential to consider the fabrication company's overall skills and dedication to quality and deadlines.

In this article, we'll be discussing some important questions to ask your potential aerospace metal fabrication partner. Keep reading!

1. Can They Show a List of Completed Projects?

The number of years a company has operated isn't as significant a factor as it may seem. In this industry, project portfolios are key. By seeing a list of completed projects, you can better understand their work quality and ability to deliver on a deadline. It makes more sense to partner with a metal fabrication company that has dealt with similar projects before. Aerospace-wise, partnering with the right company helps you finish projects that conform to industrial standards. 

That way, you can be assured they're more or less familiar with the industry specifications and practices. If the firm can't provide you with a detailed portfolio, this is a major red flag. You can also inquire and interview their past clients. Don't put too much stock in internet reviews. Like Wikipedia, anybody can post anything.

2. Can the Metal Fabrication Company Build Your Project From Start to Finish?

In some cases, depending on the complexity, your aerospace project may require multiple partners to complete. However, outsourcing many processes to one company is excellent for increasing delivery, cost, and logistical convenience. 

Building a product from concept to finish might include anything from raw ingredients to final assembly. Choosing the right aerospace metal fabrication partner comes down to how many steps you're willing to save and your tolerance for collaborating with multiple partners. A robust and multi-service company will be able to present you with a top to bottom solution for improved efficiency and singular accountability. 

3. Can the Company Provide Finished Products?

To ensure the correctness of fabrication outputs, detailed inspections are essential. Look for a company that can do these tests on-site and provide rapid feedback on the precision of your components. Doing so helps you regularly monitor and input feedback on the work quality.

4. Can Provide Engineering and Design Services?

Hiring a fabrication company that also provides engineering and design services is a massive advantage. It allows the company specialists to add value to your goods by increasing their manufacturability. The term "design for manufacturability" refers to the process of designing a product for efficient mass manufacturing. 

Many engineers do not consider manufacturability while developing items and are often unaware of the manufacturer's skills, strengths, and limitations. It's critical to understand and address these factors during the design phase so that your parts aren't overly pricey or impractical to construct.


If you ask the right questions, you should have no trouble finding the right aerospace metal fabricator. Remember that evaluating a list of potential companies is key to getting the best deals, price-wise and quality-wise. Also, don't choose a fabrication company on price alone; As said before, you get what you pay for.

Are you looking for a reliable machine shop and fabrication in Santa Clara? Rost Machining and Fabrication can help! Our family-run company specializes in providing the ultimate precision and customer satisfaction for your industrial projects. Visit our website today to learn more about our personalized services!

John Rost

Founder of Rost Machining & Fabrication


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