5 Industries That Can Benefit Greatly from CNC Machining

CNC machining, short for computer numerical control, is a process in which pre-programmed computer software is used to control machinery. This is typically used in industries that require incredible precision, where one tiny off measurement can mean life and death. For instance, you will find CNC machining used in airplanes and even medical equipment, all of which require precise parts to run perfectly.

That being said, if you're wondering if your business can utilize CNC machining for its various benefits, you're in the right place! We want to share with you the industries that use it to help you understand whether your company can make the most out of it:

1. Aerospace

As you can imagine, aerospace technology’s niche field needs precise and perfect parts. CNC machining is the ideal option for this sort of precision due to its high level of accuracy. Whether you're looking at a missile, a rocket, or an airplane, you want its parts to fit perfectly together. That sort of high-quality work is precisely what you'll get when you use this method.

2. Medical

If you're looking at CNC machining, you're likely not doing it for a hobby. This manufacturing method is used in the medical and gun industries, relying on precision. If a firearm isn't precise, it will not fire properly. Likewise, a heart valve that isn't cut properly could mean the difference between living and dying patients. Due to the life-or-death nature of this industry, these components must be designed and machined flawlessly. This can be accomplished through CNC machining.

3. Consumer

Everyone has a smartphone these days. Well, almost everyone. If you want to get a better look at your iPhone, you're going to want an industrial-grade microscope, and that requires precision when it comes to machining. Computer numerical control can ensure that every single component of your smartphone and every tiny bit of its insides is precisely machined so that it works to its utmost and is beautiful to look at.

4. Metal

As you might have guessed, metal and CNC machining go hand in hand. This is the main reason they are used in the aerospace, medical, and firearm industries, as they rely heavily on metal. This method is the perfect option for anyone looking to manufacture metal parts. Whether you're looking at a piece of machinery or jewelry, CNC machining is the way to go.

5. Wood

Wood is used in many industries, including the furniture and toy manufacturing industries. Computer numerical control is the perfect method for precision cuts in wood, so manufacturers are turning to it to get a quality product.


As you can see, CNC machining is appropriate for various industries. If your business lies in any of the above industries or is in an industry that needs to produce precise, quality parts, you must consider investing in CNC machinery. However, keep in mind that you need to make sure you're allocating a large budget to it. This method requires expensive software and machines. Additionally, you need to make sure you're using someone who has experience. If you do all of this, you're sure to see the same level of precision that the aerospace, medical, and firearm industries have noticed.

Rost Machining & Fabrication is a premier provider of machining, fabrication, and finishing services in Santa Clara, CA. If you are looking for machine and fabrication services to meet your strict precision standards, work with us today!

John Rost

Founder of Rost Machining & Fabrication


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